Approach to Stress Detection and Alleviation using EEG-Based BCI with Targeted Music Therapy

Developed by Prakhar Sinha, Maitri Khanna, Jordan Ogbu Felix, Anisha Patel, Avni Bafna, Brian Nguyen, Dat Mai, Heidi Sailor, Nabeha Barkatullah

The development of this BCI was slow and steady but it ultimately yielded an innovative and robust result. It was developed for the 2023 Neurotech California Conference.

What it does

The main idea of this BCI was to improve the lives of individuals experiencing stress by providing appropriate responses to alleviate its negative effects. Through the utilization of cutting-edge technology, the project was able to detect stress by analyzing the size of alpha and beta activities in the frontal hemisphere and monitoring brain activity in the right frontal hemisphere. Once stress is detected, the BCI is designed to provide calming responses to the user. The team has identified the optimal frequency for focus and concentration to be 18.5 Hz, and we have utilized this frequency to create a calming music response to reduce stress levels.

The project's innovative approach to detecting and alleviating stress provided a unique solution to a common problem. By utilizing EEG signals to detect stress levels and providing real-time appropriate responses, the BCI project aimed to improve the quality of life for individuals who experience stress on a daily basis. The combination of technology and research used in this project provided an effective and efficient method to alleviate stress, which had the potential to be widely applicable in various settings such as educational institutions, workplaces, and healthcare facilities.